
We are not affiliated with any particular company or organization, and our activities are made possible by the grassroots support of people in Japan and the United States who agree with our objectives. Any individual or organization is welcome. We would appreciate your broad support.

Donations to our organization from individuals are not deductible for income tax purposes. However, donations from corporations may be deductible for a certain amount if the corporation is a Japanese corporation that files tax returns in Japan. For details, please contact your tax specialist. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any information regarding our organization.

Donations by credit card or Paypal

Donations can be made online via VISA, Master Card, JCB, AMEX, Diners, or Paypal.

Donation by bank transfer to a bank account

Please transfer the funds to the following bank account.

Bank account for the transfer

普通預金  口座番号 3056892
口座名「一般社団法人Global Kids Judo Network」
*At ATMs, the name will be displayed as “シヤ)グローバルキツズジユウドウネツトワーク”.

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