GKJN 2nd Employee Meeting and the 3rd Board Meeting
~1 year anniversary, the start of the 2nd year!!~

Friday, December 3rd, via web we connected Chicago, Japan and Canada for the Employee and Board Meeting for the Global Kids Judo Network

During the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we established GKJN as a company on October 1st, 2020.  Without my VISA, there was a lot of things that worried me at the start.  However, with support from a lot of people, I was able to get the alliance with Tohkon Judo Academy as well as USA Judo and acquire my O-1 VISA, donations from various sources  which all of them was way more than what I was expecting. I am very grateful for this.

Our employee meeting (headcount 8) talked about the activities of the year, financial statements, audit reports and the activity plans for the next fiscal year (Oct ‘21 ~ Sep ‘22)  No objections for the plan and we were able to start our 2nd year.

My life was filled with JUDO and JUDO Only.  Learning English was one but creating Financial Statements or running a company was way beyond my imagination.  Currently I do this with a lot of support from my colleagues, but I am not ashamed of not knowing, but I take the stance of trying to learn whatever I can and become a better person tomorrow.

Honestly, the funding is still tight and I know it would take me a few years to show results and have more people trust in what I do.  However, my vision of teaching Seiryoku-Zenyo, Jita-Kyoei (Maximum Efficient Use of Energy and Mutual Properity) to the kids around the world starting in one of the largest countries in the world, the United States, is not wrong at all.

In June of next year, the first event is decided.  The inaugural GKJN Cup (Chicago Youth Judo Championship) scheduled for June 5th 2022 at the Rosemont Dome.

Also my other function as the USA Judo Youth Development Coach has an objective of a US Medalist in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.  Yes, I’ll be busy. The entity is still a “baby” the dream is infinite. I will not take things lightly, the build up of everyday activity will eventually make our organization bring happiness to the kids in the United States and the world. Please support our activity through our 2nd year and beyond!!

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