That Excitement Returns, in June

The 2nd GKJN Cup (Chicago Youth Judo Championship)


The GKJN Cup, the summer JUDO festivity with 500 JUDOKAs will return to Chicago!! Due to the construction of our new DOJO, we had to postpone the event in 2023, but in June 2024, the 2 day event will be back even bigger!!
We are in negotiations of inviting Olympic Medalist from Japan – please look forward to the improved US Judo and the GKJN!!

1. Event Details

(1) Dates

2June 15~16, 2024

① Sat, June 15th:The 26th Tohkon Cup (Adults & Youth Individuals)
② Sun, June 16th” The 2nd GKJN Cup
(AM: Judo Clinic by Top Athletes/PM: Youth Team Match)

(2) Site

Wintrust Sports Complex
5499 W 65th St, Bedford Park, IL 60638

(3) Facilitator

GKJN andTOHKON Judo Academy

(4) Sponsors

Consul General of Japan at Chicago(Expectation)

(5) Participants

Approx 1,000 (700 Athletes)

(6) Special Guests

Multiple Olympic Medalists (TBA) as the Clinic Coach

2. Site Information

The Event in 2022 allowed 3 match rings, but we will expand to 4 or 5 (max 6) Admission is Free!! The event is scheduled during Summer Break so please come and see us. I am sure that there will be hundreds of kids fighting their best!!

3. Requests to Everyone

As we did in our inaugural event, we are requesting sponsorship (funding) for this event. We will announce details around April when the overall budget has been defined. With your support over 500 kids in the United States can experience cultural exchange through Judo.

4. Update on New Dojo Support

With many enthusiastic supporters, as of December 10th, we were able gather funding of approx $11,000. Thank you so much for your support. We will use this funding towards the construction as well as the operations of DKJN. As for the “My Tatami Project” once the New Dojo opens (April 2024) we will send you the photographs of the Tatami with your name.
We will extend the funding period to January 31, 2024 as it has yet reached our goal of $50,000. We appreciate your continued support towards the US Japan Cultural Exchange through Martial Arts.

Megumi Ishikawa

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