Greeting from our representative

Hi all, my name is Megumi Ishikawa, the representative of Global Kids Judo Network. I would like to make a launching comment of this corporate.

I have 3 priorities in this organization, “Judo”, “Kids” and “Network”

Firstly about “Judo”. Judo originated from Japan and does not only mean the kind of sports but include a wonderful spirit such as “Everything begins and ends with bowing” and “Respecting others”.  For me, a strong person does not mean the winner of the game, but means those who can share other’s pain and be kind to others. When you start Judo, the first thing you will learn is how to take a fall (Ukemi). Ukemi does not simply protect your body but help you feel other’s pain. I think the core of Judo is that training your body and soul will enable you to help weak persons. All encounter with persons, experience of success and failure are the most valuable asset and help people’s development.

Secondly, the “Kids”. I love kids. Every kids have numerous opportunities. In GKJN I would like to help kids not only enjoy Judo but learn values such as  toughness, strong mind, perseverance, friendship and teamwork’s. Quite frankly, when I was a kid I did not like Judo so much. So I want to realize a lot of events where kids think “Wow Judo is a fun, though a bit tough!!” Such experiences will enlarge kids opportunities. Without doubt, kids smiles and happinesses make adults happy too.

Lastly about “Network”. I would like to connect the kids all over the world thru Judo network. I myself learned various values and cultures in traveling around the world for competitions. My big dream is to establish wonderful worldwide Judo Kids Network where kids, thru their experience, will be able to overcome world issues based on nationalities, religions, skin colors and so on.

U.S is leading the world in economy and values, but Judo here is still a minor sports. This means Judo here is a white campus with great opportunities. Thankfully, I have a wonderful parter in Tohkon Judo Academy in Chicago. My activity will be unprecedented and big challenges, but I determined myself to devote my second career to GKJN. I will never give up, even though it might take years and decades. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all of your support, advices and guidance.

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