Exciting times go so fast. May felt like just an instance.
While continuing my 4 lessons/week curriculum, I started to get worried on how to teach the Cubby Class (ages 3~5) I also needed to prepare a boat load of information for my Visa application (My Resume, Competition Records, Recommendation Letters, and to dop it off my transcript from my University – contents of the transcript – top secret.)
As for my personal life, I made an unforgettable experience travelling to Arizona during the Memorial Day weekend. Acquired a lot of stuff in my exciting days!! And now, approaching the time I need to leave. A bit concerned about the VISA situation, but I just need to hope for the best.
Here’s some topics of my life
- In my teaching, struggled a lot with the Cubby Class more than the Kids Class. Starting May, I am teaching toddlers (ages 3~5)!! Toddlers believe that the Dojo is a place to play. They shout, they don’t listen, and they’re literally free. Always scratching my head how to change this situation…. However when Doug Tono (Owner) shows up, everybody becomes quiet. Wow, the 30+ years experience speaks for itself!! (May 20th)
- Had an early morning golf round with Mr. Kenya Yamada (Japan Airlines Chicago Branch Manager) and Mr. Tsuyoshi Moriya (Nippon Life Benefits Chicago Branch Manager) and then invited them to the dojo. They spent their weekend visiting my dojo. Thank you (May 22nd)
- Accident!!! It happened on a noon on a Sunday. While trying to cut a frozen bagel, I accidentally cut something else. My fingers, and very deep. The bleeding was so bad that I couldn’t stop it by myself, knocked on my next door neighbor Rick’s door and shouted “HELP ME!!!” and then to the ER. Suffered 7 stiches… It was my first experience going to a US doctor (and it’s ER!!) and my first stich ever. A lot of firsts, but glad that it wasn’t worse.
No more Knife, No more bagel!!! (May 23rd) - The love from Mr. Tsuneyoshi “Joe” Matsuda, the owner of the best Japanese Restaurant in Chicago – DARUMA – was great. After my incident above, not only did it affect my normal life, I could not cook. He gave me a lot of things to eat. I will remember this for my entire life. The Sashimi that Tsune-san serves is the best in the world (May 25th)
- A surprise gift which is kind of happy and kind of embarrassin
While I couldn’t use my hands, I was teaching with the rest of my body. At the end of the class, a surprise gift from the kids. A get well card and a Bagel Cutter 😊 A card and a gift with wit – I felt the love.
But embarrassing….(May 27th) - Traveled to Arizona on Memorial Day Weekend
My impression of Arizona is HOT, DESERT and CACTIE. I’ve seen it all to level that I don’t need to see them again 😊 It is unbelievable that it’s still in the same country. I felt an ambition to visit more placed and more States in the US, but also at the same time I got the best R&R. (May 28th~31st)
Seeing and doing it is totally different!!