Teaching Kids in the US

through the 3 months of Judo Coaching

As of November 7th, 3 months has passed since I moved to the United States.  Setting up my life to include acquiring my Driver’s License as shown in my previous report, there were a lot of things happening in my life.  But, in my professional life, I had felt a lot of things through the 3 classes I teach for kids. Although I am still a “freshman” living in the US, I did feel a difference between visiting and living here.  I would like to share my fresh thoughts today.

The first difference is “guest coach” vs “resident coach”  How the kids interact with me is totally different.  Last year without my VISA, I would spend 3 months here and then back to Japan, again and again.  During this time, the kids would chase me yelling “Megumi !! Megumi !!” which I felt like an idol.  Now they know that I am a resident coach here, at first they were happy and welcomed me, but my presence has changed their days from “atypical” to “typical”  Kids show their natural behavior including not listening to me… In the 2nd month I started yelling where the American Coaches would worry about me.  Everyday I find opportunities for improvement but also learning the difficulty of teaching children.

2nd difference is the difference in culture.  How to teach the discipline of Judo to a group of people in a different culture.  Before you even start Judo, you must have the basics in attitude, which includes listening to people as well as the SEIZA (shown in picture) which does not exist in the US.  I always wonder whether teaching this discipline is a positive thing in a country that believes freedom and diversity are of value.  In reality, kids who just start learning Judo believes that the DOJO is a park where all of a sudden they start running around, yelling or playing with other kids.  No rules, no discipline.  I teach these kids that a DOJO is where you learn things.  “Line up with me and move when I tell you”  Not once but over and over again, but there is a moment where they are able to do things they couldn’t  It’s the moment of “Yup, she’s got it” which makes me very happy.  The interesting point is when the kids notice that they improved, their mindset changes.  It’s difficult to find that in Adults, but when a new kid comes to class, or the student changes their class to a higher level, I can see they have a different mentality.  Also at the same time, by working with these kids daily, I feel that I too am showing improvement.

Lastly is “What should I seek in a country of freedom and diversity.”  Actually there is one student that I really believe has potential.  A 12 year old girl that is showing constant improvement.  Her attitude is spontaneous and eager where anytime she partners with me, she wants to learn something.  It’s like seeing me when I was inspired by this sport.  However, due to her religion, she is not allowed to bout with the opposite sex.  Both in Kids and Junior classes, boys and girls learn together.  I pay attention to the combination of students and sometimes I join.  In Judo in most countries, there are more men than women.  If women athletes want to be stronger, they train with men. It is a fact that these opportunities make the women stronger.  It is an unfortunate fact that as you grow in age, and enter High School, the population of Judo athletes decreases.  She has a potential to make the United States Team, but without training with men, how can I make her stronger?  What type of approach is correct?  These are things I never even thought about in Japan.  It is one of the characteristics of this nation.

I need to find a teaching method including discipline that can be accepted in an area where cultures and values are different.  I know there is a way – and I am just a freshman coach with a lot of room for improvement.  My challenge is to find a way that kids no matter what environment they grew up in that they could be proud to have learned JUDO.  Through this activity, my dream is to connect the children around the world.  My journey has just started!!