2024 is here – Full Steam Ahead!!

2024 Activity Plans and Reports on Holiday Season Activities

Happy New Year 2024!!

With the generous support from everyone, 2023 was a very fruitful year for myself. I would like to thank everyone supporting the GKJN activities.
This year the New DOJO will open and we’ll be hosting the 2nd GKJN Cup expecting 600 participants!! There will be many events this year and your continued support is highly appreciated.

1. 2024 Activity Schedule

In addition to the above 2 events, I will be participating in the USA Kids Judo Clinic Carravan.  Last year was 4 occasions, but this year will be doubled to 8!! 6 of the 8 are already planned (see red cells on the calendar) and I still have requests every week from various states.

With my activities entering the 3rd year I am building confidence in the networking, but I have a positive concern is balancing these activities with childcare.  If the roundtrip is by Air and Long Distances, I have no option but to leave my son home which would limit my opportunities. However, this is what god gave me. I will not rush, but slowly and surely I will grow my network within the United States, and continue my efforts in Judo Education.

2. The end of 2023 was packed with Judo

5 consecutive days of Judo Training Camp @ The US Capital

I travelled to Falls Church, Virginia (an adjacent city to Washington DC) as a coach for the 5 day Training Camp from December 26th to the 30th.
We invited Nick Delpopolo who was the US National Team member for the London and Rio Olympics (Mens’ 73kg Class) We had 5 days of AM and PM lessons and a private lesson session with a total of 11 classes. This is something I have never experienced which built my perseverance as well as brough new findings at the turn of the year.

Actually I had to drive 745 miles (each way) My son caught the flu and couldn’t fly… Anything is possible…but it was a tough drive.

(1) Cheers to the 18 JUDOKAs that endured the 5 days!!

Since this event was held during the Holiday Season, there were only 18 participants (11 years old ~ 50’s) of which most of them started Judo as a grown-up. However, there were people who flew in from Texas, as well as a individual that drove over 4 hours from Ohio. Yes, the people gathered together were all JUDO enthusiasts.
AM was ground technique, PM was standing technique. This cycle went on for 5 days. I thought the participants would get bored…but no worries, everyone was so passionate and the 5 days went by in a flash. Clinics and Training Camps with small number of people has an advantage where I can look after each and everyone in more detail.

Since their serious, everyone absorbs things quickly!!

I visited High Noon DOJO for a Private Lesson. I am scheduled to revisit this facility in July.

(2) The GYM is an MMA Facility – what’s the position of JUDO?

The facility DOJO was a MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Academy where outside of JUDO, there were Kickboxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, Wrestling as well. The owner is a former UFC Fighter!!
I asked about the actuals of JUDO. The gym has 400 members, but member in JUDO were only 30. In the United States, the population of Judo is said to be 15,000 where Jujitsu is as high as 200,000 (same as the Judo population in Japan) I knew this fact but when I heard the actual numbers from the facility it was quite shocking that Judo was a very minor sport. However, I can take this as a negative information or an opportunity for growth – it’s a matter of perception.
The US population (340 million) is close to 3x of Japan (125 million). Physically tough and many like combat sports – which means the growth opportunity is infinite.
“How can I grow the popularity of this sport?” I got excited just by thinking about this unfulfilled dream.

The MMA Gym with a full Weight Training facility

These two took part in all 11 sessions (including the Private Lessons) Great job girls!!!

(3) Through the 5 days

It seemed like everyone was happy. Many people had positive attitudes taking videos of my WAZAs where I felt that my 20 years of training wasn’t for nothing.
Although I am still a rookie in coaching, this year, I would like to extend the physical and mental training with passion and respect to more people around the country through the Clinic Caravans.
However, when I returned to Chicago on New Year’s Eve, my energy tank was Empty…It took me a whole week to recover – room for improvement here too.

Thank you for coming!!

3. New Year KANGEIKO to start 2024 (in bitter cold temps)

The New Year Tradition – Tohkon Judo Academy’s KANGEIKO (Mid Winter Training) took place on Sunday, January 7th.
Temperature was 0C (32F) where 40 members gathered at Lakefront of Lake Michigan at 7AM. The training included Running, Dash Circuit Training for 90 minutes. Everyone had a good workout.
The KANGEIKO in Japan is mostly early morning JUDO practice to train mind and body, but over here, it’s running outside…in bitter cold temperatures – that’s the Tohkon Style KANGEIKO.
Although the method is different, everyone from kids to adults ran (whilst slipping) through snow which trained mind and body and the KANGEIKO objective is met.

This year we ran through snow – my feet were freezing…

My training partner. Supporting her Chin-ups. Good Effort Sofia!!

Great work everyone!! I think it’s a great start of 2024!!
I thin


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