New Dojo Almost Ready!! Last Touches are being done

First Training April 1st, Opening Ceremony May 19th

Through everyone’s support, the 2 year project of our New Dojo is now coming to reality.  During March 15~16 we moved everything except the Tatami Mats.  We installed the base of the Tatami Mats, the springs and it’s all manual labor.  After the final training at our current Dojo (March 30th) we will move the Tatami Mats and Install them.  And, starting Monday, April 1st, the training at our new Dojo starts.  Opening up a new Dojo, this is a once in a lifetime project!!  This report tells you the latest status.

1.  DIY Painting (March 16th)

In Japan it would be normal that you ask a professional to paint, but here in the United States, a lot of things are DIY.  Although its hard labor, but we can do as you wish which makes it a lot more fun.  Being very novice in painting, I still helped out in the ladies locker room.  Quality??? Do not ask…

Alexia is painting the shower room

We have a Heart Mark 😊
Have fun while you’re at it.

Ladies Locker Room is Pink
Maybe I could be a painter

Office is green.  From here, you can see the entire dojo.

2. DIY Spring Installation (Really???)  March 23rd

I was surprised to see this.  The installation of the springs to support the 175 Tatami Mats were also DIY.  Of course we have professional supervision, but labor was all done by ourselves.  Each spring supports 40 locations where the total count is 7,000!! The labor to install these springs were daunting. Doug Tono together with coaches and students gathered after school/work and completed the task.  It was a tiring task, but the sense of accomplishment and the team building was priceless.

Step 1 – Install springs on the boards
40 locations x 175 mats!!

Productivity from Day 1
We got a lot more to go…

Completion in 3 days – now we need to lay them down.

Lay the springs down, attach boards on top.  Use Velcro to fill the gaps between boards and then fix them using industrial staples.  A 3 hour process!!

3. The facility is almost done – just waiting for the Tatami Mats.

Finally we are able to see the entire dojo.  Huge difference from our current dojo which was renting a building over 60 years old – to a totally new facility.  I have never in my career experienced a New Dojo, but looking forward to kids running around in this new place.  Most likely my next report is going to be from here.

For those that supported the “My Tatami Project” we will place your names – please hang tight.

Main Floor as of March 16th

After 1 week – now just waiting for the Tatami

Locker Rooms in the Basement – Brand New!!

Shower Stall being installed

KANPAI to the Great Team!!

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