USA, Here I come!!!

Saturday, August 7th 2021, I have finally arrived in the USA with an O-1: Athlete VISA that allows me to work lawfully. The 12 hour flight from Tokyo to Chicago on Flight 10 on Japan Airlines seemed to me “shining.” Summer Chicago greeted me saying “Welcome to the USA”

Mr. Kenya Yamada, the branch manager of Japan Airlines had escorted me through immigration which went very smooth.  Last visit was awful as I was taken to secondary and went through a 3 hour interrogation which almost led me to deportation.  Although I had a legit VISA, I was nervous which ended up in vain.  The inspector’s question was “Welcome to the US!! What type of athlete are you?  What? Judo? Wow!!” – a totally different attitude than before.  Good or bad, I understood that Certificates, Merits and Titles play a huge role in this country.

I am now “officially” at the starting point of my challenge in the United States.

“Walk, don’t Run”

“Never Give Up”

“Don’t take shortcuts”

I will keep this in mind through my activities.  My title at USA Judo is “Youth Development Coach” and the sky is the limit !!

Downtown Chicago welcoming my arrival
I travel light 😊
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