Messages from our supporters

I fully support GKJN in its challenge in the US through Sports

Yu Darvish, San Diego Padres

Megumi, I congratulate your accomplishment of the founding of GKJN as well as the start of your activities in Chicago.  As a same Japanese athlete, and challenging in the same United States, I respect your dream of making people happy through sports.

As you know, I did have an opportunity to play for the Chicago Cubs.  The Chicagoans and the Japanese community in Chicago did help me very well.  Living in a country with a difference not only in language but in culture as well, that alone is a huge challenge.  Making success and opening new doors and opportunities would be even harder.  But I do have faith in you as I have seen you work out so hard at the same gym as I did.  Please believe in yourself, keep you dreams, and extend your activities from the United States to the world.

I too, as a Major League Baseball Player, will continue to play the best I can to become the kids dream.  Let both of us work harder to fulfill the dreams of kids as well as ours!!

Wishing the success of GKJN, another powerful organization to contribute to the US Japan Cultural Exchange

Former Counsel General of Japan at Chicago, Kenichi Okada

First of all I would like to congratulate Global Kids Judo Network for its establishment as well as the inauguration of activities in Chicago.  I really appreciate the fact that Megumi Ishikawa, a world class Judo Athlete has selected Chicago as her base of her activities.  Not only that I have confidence in their success based on their philosophy of “Making kids around the world happy and prosperous through Judo” but they will also contribute through their grassroots activities to strengthen the US-Japan relationship.
Also when I imagine the Japan originated Judo spirit of 「精力善用、自他共栄」(Seiryoku Zenyo, Jita Kyoei) being spread all over the United States, I get very excited.  This spirit was announced by Mr. Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo which means “Use your physical and metal strength to its maximum and guide the society in the correct direction. Respect and thank each other, nurture the heart of helping, which would help the create an unselfish world where all become prosperous”

Teaching Judo to Kids in the US as well as various Judo events in the Midwest area should promote Judo as another contributor to the US Japan trust and friendship.
Although I understand that this is not an easy challenge, but please believe in yourself of success.

Lastly, I hope the best for Megumi Ishikawa and GJKN for a wonderful future as the former Counsel General of Japan in Chicago.

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