Practice, Pain, Pressure, but Smiles at the End

There’s drama for everyone in the annual promotion test

On March 23rd, the promotion test at Tohkon Judo Academy took place and I participated as a judge.  At this academy, the promotion test takes place twice a year (but for each individual, the opportunity is once a year) and if you pass, your grade becomes higher and the belt color also changes.  It’s a BIG event for kids.

This article talks about the thoughts of the kids taking the test, and the difference of this test between US and Japan.

Nervous kids before the test

Judging must be strict but correct.  I too was a bit tense.

1. Promotion Test in the US

All test leading to the Black Belt (1st Degree) is based on the conditions of each dojo, which is the same in Japan as well as in the US.  This turns into the biggest challenge as well as the motivation for kids.

The WAZA in the test is not just the knowledge, they must be accurate and beautiful.

Depending on the Color of the belts (see chart below) you must show each WAZA, and the scoring is based on its accuracy and beauty.  What’s tough for the kids is the number of WAZAs that they need to perform.  Even in the 6th and 7th Grade Yellow Belt Test, they need to show 10 WAZAs.  This grows to 20+ including NEWAZA by the time you take the 3rd Grade.  For kids 10 years and below, this becomes a burden.  They need to REALLY practice before the test, make their bodies memorize this, and they only have 1 chance every year.  Can you imagine the pressure and tension that these kids (and their parents) go through?

FYI for all test Black Belt and above are based on the guidelines of CJBBA (Chicago Judo Black Belt Association) and once you pass, it will be registered in USA Judo, which is the same in Japan.

Belt Colors in the US vs Japan (Slight differences up to Grade 3)

2. Differences of the Promotion Test – US vs Japan

In Japan, the promotion test for Grades are seldom.  Grades are based on age, or the SENSEI decides while watching the practices.  Test typically start at the 1st Degree Black Belt, which is mandatory.  In the US, Grades are clearly separated which gives the kids/students a goal, a motivation to accomplish each milestone.  This is the largest difference.

To make a long story short, Japan has priority in competition Judo (to win) where US seeks more in the technique – the priority is more in the Joy of Judo over winning, and Judo for life.  In Japan, if you have a recommendation from the Dojo, you can take the test – In the US, you must take all test from the White Belt up.  One thing common is that it’s not that easy to win the Black Belt regardless of where you are.  Black Belt is special for anyone that is aspired to Judo.  I, on the other hand, need to once again understand that value and bring it into my classes.

3. Promotion Test at Tohkon (Smiles at the End!!)

This time, 26 kids took the test, and everyone passed!!  I interviewd 2 of the 26.  This is what’s really on their minds.

(1)Joseph Taheny (aka Joey) 9 years old Promoted from Yellow2→Yellow3

Q:  Do you like Judo?
A:  Yes, my 2nd favorite.  1st is to Eat.
(So Cute)

Q: How did you feel when you passed the test?
A: I am proud of myself because I worked hard.

Q: What is your goal in Judo?
A: To become one of the GOATs in Judo
(Wow!! At Age 9!! But nothing is impossible!!)

(2)Nazik Akmatalyeva  14 years old Promoted from Yellow3→Orange

Q:  Do you like Judo?
A:  Yes, my blood and soul is in it.

Q:  How did you feel when you passed the test?
A:   I was able to build my confidence.

Q:  What is your goal in Judo?
A:  Someday I want the Black Belt.
(Let’s do it!!)

4. Lastly

I asked around to kids after the tests, and understood that each one of them had different thoughts to their challenges.  It was wonderful to see everyone working hard to achieve their goals.  (I wasn’t like this when I was their age – just full thrust forward…). This was my second time being a judge.  The first time I learned that the test is a tool to maintain the motivation of kids.   This time I understood that this test is an “opportunity for success”.  The best tool for children.

Congratulations Everybody~~!!!

At the end, we commend one by one!!

Everyone has the best smiles!! I have to be able to keep those smiles!!

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